
The flag of Aragon is the traditional one of the four horizontal red bars on a yellow background. The Aragon shield is the traditional one of the four quarters, topped by the corresponding crown, which will appear in the center of the flag.

Law 2/1984, of April 16, of the Autonomous Community of Aragon, regulates the use of the Flag and Shield of the region, establishing in its article 5 that "The Shield of Aragon will always appear in the center of the flag "

However, Decree 48/1984 of the General Council of Aragon, by which the official model of the coat of arms of Aragon is made public, and the precise norms on making and material characteristics of the Flag of Aragon are established, establishes in its article 2º that "when the Flag of Aragon has the normal proportion, the length equal to three half of the width, the axis of the Shield will be placed at a distance from the sheath of half width of the Flag", 2 this being the flag used by the institutions of Aragon.

This is the traditional Señera, although with the inclusion of the shield, to differentiate it from the flag of Catalonia, since when the statute of Autonomy of Aragon was approved on August 10, 1982 (LO 8/1982), it had already been approved in the statute of autonomy of Catalonia of December 18, 1979 (LO 4/1979), which adopted the Senora as the official flag
