
The flag of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is a gold saltire on a blue background. On the center is a depiction of a kingfisher in a gold circle, with 4 arrows that lead up to the four corners of the saltire. On the hoist and fly, are 2 ships.


The saltire represents the Scottish heritage, and recalls to the provincial flag, symbolizing the city's status as the capital of Nova Scotia. The blue field represents the harbours, the sea generally, and the nearby lakes, rivers, and the Shubenacadie Canal. The broad arrows refer not only to Bedford, but recall the long involvement of the authorities of the sovereign in defence and the presence of both land and sea-based forces. The arrows point in four directions, symbolizing the region’s naval tradition, and indicating connections with all corners of the world. The sailing ships refer to the naval tradition of Halifax and the history of settlement. The kingfisher is a symbol of industry and appears in the centre, in part as it is the oldest symbol specifically created for a public government in the capital region (1860).
