
The flag of Oklahoma consists of a blue background with an brown and maroon stylized Indian shield above the center of the flag, with a stylized green olive branch crossing a stylized tan and maroon peace pipe above the shield. Underneath the shield, branch, and pipe is the word "OKLAHOMA" in white letters.


The blue background symbolizes devotion[3], and is taken from an Indian flag flown during the American Civil War. The other symbols on the flag, other than "OKLAHOMA", represent many different Oklahoman Native American tribes. The word "OKLAHOMA" represents the state of Oklahoma, which is extremely obvious.

Flag Colors[]

Color Color Name HEX RGB Color of
Blue #0073cf 0, 115, 207 The background
White #ffffff 255, 255, 255 The text, misc.
Beige #efe8c7 239, 232, 199 Various
Dark Beige #b3995d 179, 153, 93 The shield
Green #1d5c42 29, 92, 66 The leaf
Light Brown #9a3b26 154, 59, 38 The symbols on the shield
Burgundy #773141 119, 49, 65 Various




  • The flag of Oklahoma and the flag of New Mexico are the only United States state flags with Native American symbols on them. The two are also the only United States state flags without a five-pointed star representing a star.


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